
   Before I never know what is a program, but I usually hear some people said about coding. When I hear, it was hard for me to recognize what is it?. On the first year of the liger, I joined a program called Technovation. In a team, we divide into two roles, which are business plan and coding. While we studied this was the first time I could see what is coding look like. I was so difficult to understand and I have no idea as glass without water. I had wonder how to programmers know how to write coding, it is so messy.

   Furthermore, this year we have started with the Python program and this class has been the road to spend more way for me to obvious. Python is the programming language for using to developing the web application and more. For the round three of school, we continue to learn more about Python Conditionals and if statements and Python For Loops. In the Python Conditions and if statements include Booleans, Comparisons, If statement, Indentation, Elif statement, Else statement, and And, Or, Not.



   Moreover, for the Python For Loops are Break statement, Continue statement, Range function, and Python while loop. This lesson is a little bit hard for me to catch up, but I look through again, try to print with code board and ask my friends to explain to me more. I could get more idea, it is also an interesting lesson and fun.

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