Writing Essay

      “Writing expresses who we are as people. Writing makes our thinking and learning visible and permanent.”from https://public.district196.org/. There are many different types of Essay which are also similar to English too. We spent time reading different styles of writing and the format of them. After, we discussed and shared what understand, which was our turn to show our work. The teacher gave a topic for us to write as homework by using a Khmer proverb: “If you want to get knowledge, you have to kill an archbishop​​. If you want to get fruitful, you need to burn the stump.” and let us explain and give examples also. I had done many research before I began to write. It was a bit tricky to understand at the previous, but when I tried to read again and again, I was able to understand. There are a lot of meanings about this proverb. I got experience writing essays, but at the same time, I was appreciated for the people who created all the proverbs and hiding good advice and messages inside. 

This is a pdf of my writing 

The Argument paragraph


Travelling Theater

     Traveling theater exploration is the project that builds a mobile theater, which is moving from place to place. We aim to show our performance in the rural area while they may not have a lot of chances to watch different shows. Our team wants to have a truck and redesign it by dividing space for a changing room, microphones, and room for keeping our items. However, for now, we do not have a truck, so we need to be more flexible. 

      In the class, we learned about the process of setting up and tearing down. At the same time, we also learn more about the place, weather, time, and audiences. It’s my first time working on this project, and I am delighted to get new experiences. Our facilitator wants to make sure that we understand clearly about those processes, so he has a plan to go on the trip to two provinces, Takeo and Kampot. We want to show our performances at the schools and in the small village. There are my different roles, I’m a set design and communication crew, but mostly I’m working on contacting school directors, village chefs, District Governor, and police. This is also the first time for me to make a phone call too. I’m a bit nervous and excited at the same time. Though, I think I would learn and get a lot of experiences while I have to talk to many high range people. Every time, I make a call my heart is beating so fast. Besides, there are some problems which sometimes I need to apologize to them. Because we have some changes to our plan. Sometimes, my partner and I face the music, but we can handle it and make a trip to happen.


      For three days of performance are the best memories that I couldn’t forget. Smile faces of audiences to show that they are enjoying the performance. I’m delighted and thank you so much to my teammate to achieve our goal. Even though we meet a lot of issues, we still encourage each other. There is a girl who comes forward and says, “Will you have a performance tomorrow?” I’m surprised and glad to hear it.

     Learning isn’t just sitting in the class, but we could learn it anytime and anywhere. I’m thankful to be a member of this project while I could get a lot of new experiences and understand more about the process of working with the government. I​ want to say I love the communication job. 


      វេយ្យាករណ៍ គឺការធ្វើឲ្យជាក់ច្បាស់ ការពន្យល់ ឲ្យប្រាកដ។ នៅក្នុងភាសាខ្មែរ បានបែងចែកថ្នាក់ពាក្យជា​ប្រាំបី ដូចជា នាម គុណនាម កិរិយា ឧទានស័ព្ទ ឈ្នាប់ ធ្នាក់ សព្វនាម និង គុណកិរិយា ។ មិនត្រឹមតែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ថ្នាក់ពាក្យនីមួយៗ មានតួនាទីផ្សេងៗគ្នាក្នុងល្បះ​ ឬឃ្លា ។ ថ្នាក់ពាក្យ ក៏មានបែងចែកជាប្រភេទខុសៗគ្នា​។

      នាម ជាពាក្យសម្ដែងឲ្យមនុស្ស សត្វ រុក្ខជាតិ ទីកន្លែង និងស្ថានភាពបែបណាមួយ ។នាម មានប្រាំបីប្រភេទ :

  – នាមសាធារណ៍ ឬ​ សាធារណនាម 

– នាមអសាធារណនាម ឬ អសាធារណ៍ 

– នាមករណ៍ ឬករណនាម 

– នាមការណ៍ ឬ ការណ៍នាម

– អជីវចល

– ជីវចល

– អរូបី

-​​ រូបី

      គុណនាម ជាពាក្យសម្រាប់សម្ដែងលក្ខណ: របស់នាម ហើយតែងតែស្ថិតនៅ ពីខាងស្ដាំនាម ។ គុណនាម មានប្រាំមួយប្រភេទ :

 – គុណនាមប្រក្រតី


– គុណនាមកម្មសិទ្ធិ




     សព្វនាម ជាពាក្យប្រើសម្រាប់ជំនួសនាម កន្សោមនាម និងល្បះ ដើម្បីជៀសវាង ការប្រើពាក្យច្រំដែល ។ 

  • ចំណាំ : – បំពេញមុខងារជា នាម និងកន្សោមនាម

– ជាប្រធានក្នុងល្បះ និងជាកម្មបទក្នុងល្បះ

សព្វនាម មានប្រាំមួយប្រភេទ :

– សព្វនាមចង្អុល

– សព្វនាមឈ្នាប់

– សព្វនាមសំណួរ

– សព្វនាមមិនច្បាស់

– សព្វនាមបុរិស:

– សព្វនាមកម្មសិទ្ធិ

     គុណកិរិយា ជាពាក្យបញ្ជាក់លក្ខណ: ឲ្យអំពើរបស់កិរិយា​ ឬកម្រិតរបស់គុណនាម ឬកិរិយាខ្លួនឯង ។

– គុណកិរិយាកាល

– គុណកិរិយាកន្លែង

– គុណកិរិយាបំណែប

– គុណកិរិយាបរិមាណ

– គុណកិរិយាសំណួរ

Math (5B)

Everything always changes from time to time. Now in math class, we have continued to the new book is called “5B”. The first start of the book is about decimal and we just review again about (Addition, Subtract, Multiplication, and Division). Moreover, this is the same lesson that we have learned before, but it is also still an interesting and necessary lesson. There are also rules for multiplication and division:


*10 move decimal one place to the right

* 1oo move decimal two places to the right


/10 move decimal one place to the left

/ 100 move decimal two places to the left

Diving Deep, Going Far

       The blue book with the title of “Diving Deep, Going Far” made me interested. It contains stories of the women leaders forming Cambodia’s future. There are a variety of stories for each person. I was excited to see this book while I like to listen to other people’s stories. Sometimes, I could learn and get inspired by them. In my opinion, all of the stories are compelling, showing their experiences of brave, hard work, never giving up, and adorable, especially, being as a woman.

       Everyone has a different life story that we never know how many times we have been fighting to get to the place that we’re standing now a day, like all of the women in the book. I love all of those stories, especially, for chapter one is “School” and the second chapter is “Fairy tale” which touch my heart and feel related.

       He has the same dream as my father, which he always reminds my sister and me every time we talk together. When I read this story, I miss my parents, and thank you so much for what they have done for me. I think just the word thank you isn’t enough, but I promise I never make you frustrated with me. I’m going to make your dream come true. Dad, you’re my superhero, and Mom, you are my queen. Both of you are my role model and breath.

        I’m enjoying reading this book and get a lot of encouragement. All of the women in the book are my role models and light to show me that I should believe in myself as like you guys. You have been facing many obstacles, though, you still can achieve it. If you can do it, what about me? 

       “One day…I’m gonna have everything I prayed for. I believe it.” Demic


Khmer Noddle

     Every time we talk about Prohak, Which country comes to your mind? Exactly, it’s Cambodia. Prohak is made from fish and it smells so bad, however, Cambodian people like to eat them and it’s very delicious. We could cook many varieties of food by using Prohak. Khmer Noodle​ is a family dish. Most of the time, when Cambodian celebrate any event, they never forget this food because it’s easy to cook and tastes good. However, this type of food doesn’t have many countries know how to cook it, while some of the ingredients are only found in Cambodia. Therefore, Khmer Noodle also has a folktale story that is related between Cambodia and China. Last but not least, it’s a very popular food in Cambodia.

I’m come back to see you. (Technovation)

      “Welcome back” was a word I saw on the dashboard of the Technovation program when I logged in. It reminded me of an old memory in 2017 that was the first time participating in the program and being in the junior division. At the same time, this was the first time my team got selected for the finalist team and competed with different teams from different countries around the world, in San Francisco. For this year 2020, it was the first time I came back to this battle and was in the senior division. This time is a new game, tasted, missions, and competitors also. My team and I would go together to fight for it. 

    The five members came together to create a team called Initial with an app named Chamkar. We took many weeks to brainstorm ideas. It was hard to think about new ideas. Though, we attempted to list down all of our problems. After, we spent some time discussing and researching, which we decided to work on the quality of vegetables. We wanted to make sure it’s a real problem that happened to Cambodian citizens. We conducted surveys with people in Phnom Penh and provinces by interview and sent out the form. We found out that 80% of 134 people lack awareness of the quality of their vegetables that they eat daily. We came back and looked through all the data and had a talk with one of our seniors, Sammang Noun, and our mentors outside of Liger. Later, we came up with a solution by creating an app. Chamkar is an app that provides safe/ organic vegetables to customers. We’re working closely with our stakeholders are Agriculture Research & Supply center and Green Gold. In the future, we also want to expand the market more to different provinces. 

Chamkar Logo

       Challenging, always staying with us all the time. When there was a problem, I felt stressed and upset. Especially the unexpected thing that happened is COVID-19. It is a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold, according to the WHO. We have to go back to our home town. Even though we were far away from each other, we still stay in touch every day to finish our work and prepare for the summation of the global.

      We still have a national pitch in Cambodia, but we did it by Zoom. Our team got selected to present for the National Pitch among 80 teams in both divisions. I was proud of my teammate, even though we did not win first place for the National Pitch, but we never gave up and appreciated all our hard work. We were selected for the semi-final team among many teams from different countries. All of this result came from our determination, collaboration, and opportunism.

      It’s a great chance to participate in this program. I learned a lot throughout this journey. I could explore and get experiences in editing the pitch video. It was the first time for me to step into a new skill. There would be some challenges, but I’m good with it if I have a problem in which I would seek help and learn along the way. Even though, in the time of Covid-19, we still worked hard and made the best we can. Last but not least, I want to say I enjoy learning this program.

Watch this video to understand more about our app.


         The Entrepreneurship platform development was an impact project of our seniors, Mr. Sammang Noun. This project aims to create a short video about the startup journey by following two different teams. We believed this video will be a model and inspire others.

       This was my first time working in a small group of members. We divided a role for each of the members for responsibilities. I was responsible for Khmer writing and working closely with the storyboard person which was Bopha. This project is collaborated with Impact Hub, so we often went there at least once to two times a week. At the same time, it was time to start a new competition of Smart Spark. So, many teams were participating in this competition. This was a great experience to interview with different groups about their experiences. We have selected two teams to follow along which means we would take every footage of their work and interview everything from the beginning until the end of the competition. This was a way to showcase the journeys on what would happen along the road before we could succeed. On the final pitch of the competition of Smart Sparks, we also got a chance to be participants. I was excited to listen to their ideas and appreciate all their hard work. They did a awesome job . It was a fantastic time to meet with different people and do networking with them. 


Who am I

Serei Sabda Yos is my name, in Khmer “Serei” is glory, success, good luck and happiness. For “Sabda” which mean seven days and English is a week. If we combine them together is a person who is calm, like to be happy, don’t like to do something that is effective for other people, and live with happiness. 

My name has given by my lovely father. He told me that the name is so important and give names to children is to find a needle in the sea-based. The tree you always take care every day would know what it should look like in the future. Sometimes, you want to give name is represent that a little tree.

I never want to change my name. It is a good name that my father gave to me since I was born. This is a birthday gift would stay with me forever, going with me anywhere, and which is a special souvenir from him. Moreover, this name can represent my character trail. Also, I don’t know what name would I choose because I love this name. One highlight it doesn’t actually have people who have the same names as me.

My bedroom Dream

Everyone always has their own houses dream which they hope to build at someday in the future. I want to have my own house that it is design by my own style. However, for now it is just a dream that exist inside my imagination. Though, as a time goes I’m begin to make my dream house to get out of my brain and appear on computer screen. 

This is a first time for me to create my bedroom in the website of home.by.me.

The bedroom make me feel of happiness, delight, relax, and motivate.
Creative with my imagination


It makes me feel of sweet and enthusiastic.
Take sometimes​ to Meditate from something around

All of this work above is what I have spend my time to make my dream come true. Also, the most important thing that I learned from this work was empathize what do I need, follow my heart, ingenuity, and experiences to try something new.